2023 milestones for Devea

2024, here we come!
It is already the end of December, time to take stock and prepare for the festive season, and for the most organised among us, the first 2024 projects are lining up on the launch pad…
2023 has been an eventful year for Devea, so let’s take a look back at the year so that we can look forward to seeing you soon!
This past year we met in...
– Paris, for the ContaminExpo exhibition and Brian McBride’s conference on the qualification of the Phileas Genius as an isolator with 6-log decontamination,
– Barcelona at the A3P, with a talk by Chloé Desaintmartin on the grade-B qualification of our equipment with 6-log disinfection,
– ‘s-Hertogenbosch (Netherlands) and Patrick Hardy’s workshop on the applications of Devea technology in animal research facilities,
– Coventry (UK), Marrakech (Marocco), Dubai (Emirates), Sibiu (Romania), Algiers (Algeria), Madrid (Spain), Geneva (Switzerland), Liège (Belgium), Rennes, Tours, Biarriz (France), Tunis (Tunisia)…

From 2023 milestones...
Early 2023, our wishlist / to do list was quite long!
– a new website, clear and intuitive,
– an ISO 9001 certification for all our activities (design, development, manufacture, distribution of DSVA solutions and services),
– 6-Log service provisions in thousands of m3 (15 to 25 units),
– Numerous new partners abroad and now more than thirty countries where Devea technology is used,
– MyPhileas application audited compliant with 21CFR Part 11 and Annex 11…

... to 2024 projects!
– Several new models, mobile or fixed, specifically for and with the pharmaceutical industry,
– A move to double our office, workshop and warehouse space,
– And last but not least, we’re currently recruiting a further 30% of our team to support you throughout your projects!

The entire Devea team would like to wish you and your teams
a wonderful festive season.
Thank you to all our customers and partners for your trust,
and we look forward to seeing you next year!
Devea, expert in Airborne Surface Disinfection (ASD) and designer of the MicroDrop Technology, supports its users from project design to qualification and after-sales service.
Phileas® – O2SAFE biodecontamination solutions are compliant with the EN 17-272 regulation and benefit from the Marketing Authorisation FR-2019-0071 (original French number, now also in most European countries), thanks to the distribution and efficiency tests performed by an external laboratory.